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Help command

> csm-data api runtemplate-load-handler --help

 Usage: csm-data api runtemplate-load-handler [OPTIONS]                         

 Uses environment variables to download cloud based Template steps              

╭─ OPTIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --organization-id    o-##########         The id of an organization in    │
│                                              the cosmotech api               │
│                                              ENV: CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID        │
│                                              [required]                      │
│ *  --workspace-id       w-##########         The id of a solution in the     │
│                                              cosmotech api                   │
│                                              ENV: CSM_WORKSPACE_ID           │
│                                              [required]                      │
│ *  --run-template-id    NAME                 The name of the run template in │
│                                              the cosmotech api               │
│                                              ENV: CSM_RUN_TEMPLATE_ID        │
│                                              [required]                      │
│ *  --handler-list       HANDLER,...,HANDLER  A list of handlers to download  │
│                                              (comma separated)               │
│                                              ENV: CSM_CONTAINER_MODE         │
│                                              [required]                      │
│    --web-help                                Open the web documentation      │
│    --help                                    Show this message and exit.     │