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Help command

> csm-data api wsf-send-file --help

 Usage: csm-data api wsf-send-file [OPTIONS]                                    

 Send a file to a workspace inside the API                                      
 Requires a valid connection to the API to send the data                        

 This implementation make use of an API Key                                     

╭─ OPTIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --organization-id     o-XXXXXXXX  An organization id for the Cosmo Tech   │
│                                      API                                     │
│                                      ENV: CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID                │
│                                      [required]                              │
│ *  --workspace-id        w-XXXXXXXX  A workspace id for the Cosmo Tech API   │
│                                      ENV: CSM_WORKSPACE_ID                   │
│                                      [required]                              │
│ *  --file-path           PATH        Path to the file to send as a workspace │
│                                      file                                    │
│                                      [required]                              │
│ *  --workspace-path      PATH        Path inside the workspace to store the  │
│                                      file (end with '/' for a folder)        │
│                                      [required]                              │
│    --overwrite/--keep                Flag to overwrite the target file       │
│                                      DEFAULT: overwrite                      │
│    --web-help                        Open the web documentation              │
│    --help                            Show this message and exit.             │