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Help command

> csm-data api rds-load-csv --help

 Usage: csm-data api rds-load-csv [OPTIONS]                                     

 Download a CSV file from the Cosmo Tech Run API using a given SQL query        
 Requires a valid connection to the API to send the data                        

╭─ OPTIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --target-folder      PATH        The folder where the csv will be written │
│                                     ENV: CSM_DATASET_ABSOLUTE_PATH           │
│                                     [required]                               │
│ *  --organization-id    o-XXXXXXXX  An organization id for the Cosmo Tech    │
│                                     API                                      │
│                                     ENV: CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID                 │
│                                     [required]                               │
│ *  --workspace-id       w-XXXXXXXX  A workspace id for the Cosmo Tech API    │
│                                     ENV: CSM_WORKSPACE_ID                    │
│                                     [required]                               │
│ *  --runner-id          r-XXXXXXXX  A runner id for the Cosmo Tech API       │
│                                     ENV: CSM_RUNNER_ID                       │
│                                     [required]                               │
│ *  --run-id             run-XXXXXX  A run id for the Cosmo Tech API          │
│                                     ENV: CSM_RUN_ID                          │
│                                     [required]                               │
│ *  --file-name          NAME        A file name to write the query results   │
│                                     DEFAULT: results                         │
│                                     [required]                               │
│    --query              SQL_QUERY   A run id for the Cosmo Tech API          │
│                                     DEFAULT: SELECT table_name FROM          │
│                                     information_schema.tables WHERE          │
│                                     table_schema='public'                    │
│    --web-help                       Open the web documentation               │
│    --help                           Show this message and exit.              │