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Help command

> csm-data s3-bucket-download --help

 Usage: csm-data s3-bucket-download [OPTIONS]                                   

 Download S3 bucket content to a given folder                                   
 Will download everything in the bucket unless a prefix is set, then only file  
 following the given prefix will be downloaded                                  

 Make use of the boto3 library to access the bucket                             

 More information is available on this page:                                    

╭─ OPTIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --target-folder       PATH    The folder in which to download the bucket  │
│                                  content                                     │
│                                  ENV: CSM_DATASET_ABSOLUTE_PATH              │
│                                  [required]                                  │
│ *  --bucket-name         BUCKET  The bucket on S3 to download                │
│                                  ENV: CSM_DATA_BUCKET_NAME                   │
│                                  [required]                                  │
│    --prefix-filter       PREFIX  A prefix by which all downloaded files      │
│                                  should start in the bucket                  │
│                                  ENV: CSM_DATA_BUCKET_PREFIX                 │
│    --use-ssl/--no-ssl            Use SSL to secure connection to S3          │
│ *  --s3-url              URL     URL to connect to the S3 system             │
│                                  ENV: AWS_ENDPOINT_URL                       │
│                                  [required]                                  │
│ *  --access-id           ID      Identity used to connect to the S3 system   │
│                                  ENV: AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID                      │
│                                  [required]                                  │
│ *  --secret-key          ID      Secret tied to the ID used to connect to    │
│                                  the S3 system                               │
│                                  ENV: AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY                  │
│                                  [required]                                  │
│    --ssl-cert-bundle     PATH    Path to an alternate CA Bundle to validate  │
│                                  SSL connections                             │
│                                  ENV: CSM_S3_CA_BUNDLE                       │
│    --web-help                    Open the web documentation                  │
│    --help                        Show this message and exit.                 │