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Cosmotech Acceleration library %%

GitHub Cosmotech

Acceleration library for CosmoTech cloud based solution development


csm-data is a CLI made to give CosmoTech solution modelers and integrators accelerators to start interacting with multiple systems.

It gives a first entrypoint to get ready to use commands to send and retrieve data from a number of systems in which a Cosmo Tech API could be integrated


The data store gives a way to keep local data during simulations and comes with csm-data commands to easily send those data to a target system allowing to easily send results anywhere.

Legacy part

The following description is tied to the legacy part of CoAL that is getting slowly moved to the new code organization before a 1.0.0 release

Code organisation

In project root directory you'll find 4 main directories:

  • CosmoTech_Acceleration_Library: containing all Cosmo Tech libraries to accelerate interaction with Cosmo Tech solutions
  • data: a bunch of csv files on which samples are based
  • samples: a bunch of python scripts to demonstrate how to use the library
  • doc: for schema or specific documentation



Modelops library

The aim of this library is to simplify the model accesses via python code.

The library can be used by Data Scientists, Modelers, Developers, ...

Utility classes

  • ModelImporter(host: str, port: int, name: str, version: int, graph_rotation:int = 1) : will allow you to bulk import data from csv files with schema enforced (samples/Modelops/ or not (samples/Modelops/ (see documentation for further details)
  • ModelExporter(host: str, port: int, name: str, version: int, export_dir: str = '/') : will allow you to export data from a model cache instance
  • ModelReader(host: str, port: int, name: str, version: int) : will allow you to read data from a model cache instance (object returned)
  • ModelWriter(host: str, port: int, name: str, version: int, graph_rotation:int = 1) : will allow you to write data into a model instance
  • ModelUtil : a bunch of utilities to manipulate and facilitate interaction with model instance (result_set_to_json, print_query_result, ... )
  • ModelMetadata: will allow you to management graph metadata