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Help command

> csm-data store dump-to-postgresql --help

 Usage: csm-data store dump-to-postgresql [OPTIONS]                             

 Running this command will dump your store to a given postgresql database       
 Tables names from the store will be prepended with table-prefix in target      

 The postgresql user must have USAGE granted on the schema for this script to   
 work due to the use of the command COPY FROM STDIN                             

 You can simply give him that grant by running the command : GRANT USAGE ON     
 SCHEMA <schema> TO <username>                                                  

╭─ OPTIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --store-folder         PATH     The folder containing the store files     │
│                                    ENV: CSM_PARAMETERS_ABSOLUTE_PATH         │
│                                    [required]                                │
│    --table-prefix         PREFIX   Prefix to add to the table name           │
│ *  --postgres-host        TEXT     Postgresql host URI                       │
│                                    ENV: POSTGRES_HOST_URI                    │
│                                    [required]                                │
│    --postgres-port        INTEGER  Postgresql database port                  │
│                                    ENV: POSTGRES_HOST_PORT                   │
│ *  --postgres-db          TEXT     Postgresql database name                  │
│                                    ENV: POSTGRES_DB_NAME                     │
│                                    [required]                                │
│ *  --postgres-schema      TEXT     Postgresql schema name                    │
│                                    ENV: POSTGRES_DB_SCHEMA                   │
│                                    [required]                                │
│ *  --postgres-user        TEXT     Postgresql connection user name           │
│                                    ENV: POSTGRES_USER_NAME                   │
│                                    [required]                                │
│ *  --postgres-password    TEXT     Postgresql connection password            │
│                                    ENV: POSTGRES_USER_PASSWORD               │
│                                    [required]                                │
│    --replace/--append              Append data on existing tables            │
│                                    DEFAULT: replace                          │
│    --help                          Show this message and exit.               │