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csm-orc fetch-scenariorun-data


Will download scenario parameters and datasets using the Cosmo Tech API. Will require a functional environment allowing access to a Cosmo Tech API


csm-orc --log-level $LOG_LEVEL fetch-scenariorun-data --organization-id $CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID --workspace-id $CSM_WORKSPACE_ID --scenario-id $CSM_SCENARIO_ID --dataset-absolute-path $CSM_DATASET_ABSOLUTE_PATH --parameters-absolute-path $CSM_PARAMETERS_ABSOLUTE_PATH

Defined Environment
Variable Name Description
AZURE_CLIENT_ID An Azure Client ID having access to the Cosmo Tech API
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET The secret for the Azure Client
CSM_API_URL The url to a Cosmo Tech API
CSM_API_SCOPE The identification scope of a Cosmo Tech API
CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID The id of an organization in the Cosmo Tech API
CSM_WORKSPACE_ID The id of a workspace in the Cosmo Tech API
CSM_SCENARIO_ID The id of a scenario in the cosmotech api
CSM_DATASET_ABSOLUTE_PATH A local folder to store the main dataset content
CSM_PARAMETERS_ABSOLUTE_PATH A local folder to store the parameters content
WRITE_JSON Toggle writing of parameters in json format
WRITE_CSV Toggle writing of parameters in csv format
FETCH_DATASET Toggle fetching datasets
PYTHONPATH A list of folder to add to the python path

Will be passed all system Environment Variables as well as the defined Environment

csm-orc fetch-scenariorun-data json file
  "id":"csm-orc fetch-scenariorun-data",
      "description":"An Azure Client ID having access to the Cosmo Tech API",
      "description":"The secret for the Azure Client",
      "description":"An Azure Tenant ID",
      "description":"The url to a Cosmo Tech API"
      "description":"The identification scope of a Cosmo Tech API"
      "description":"The id of an organization in the Cosmo Tech API"
      "description":"The id of a workspace in the Cosmo Tech API"
      "description":"The id of a scenario in the cosmotech api"
      "description":"A local folder to store the main dataset content"
      "description":"A local folder to store the parameters content"
      "description":"Toggle writing of parameters in json format"
      "description":"Toggle writing of parameters in csv format"
      "description":"Toggle fetching datasets"
      "description":"Either CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO or DEBUG"
      "description":"A list of folder to add to the python path",
  "description":"Will download scenario parameters and datasets using the Cosmo Tech API. Will require a functional environment allowing access to a Cosmo Tech API",