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Simulation to ADX connector

Help command

> csm-orc send-to-adx --help

 Usage: csm-orc send-to-adx [OPTIONS]                                                                                 

 Uses environment variables to send content of CSV files to ADX Requires a valid Azure connection either with:        

  • The AZ cli command: az login                                                                                      
  • A triplet of env var AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET                                        

╭─ OPTIONS ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --dataset-absolute-path                   PATH  A local folder to store the main dataset content                │
│                                                    ENV: CSM_DATASET_ABSOLUTE_PATH                                  │
│                                                    [required]                                                      │
│ *  --parameters-absolute-path                PATH  A local folder to store the parameters content                  │
│                                                    ENV: CSM_PARAMETERS_ABSOLUTE_PATH                               │
│                                                    [required]                                                      │
│ *  --simulation-id                           UUID  the Simulation Id to add to records                             │
│                                                    ENV: CSM_SIMULATION_ID                                          │
│                                                    [required]                                                      │
│ *  --adx-uri                                 URI   the ADX cluster path (URI info can be found into ADX cluster    │
│                                                    page)                                                           │
│                                                    ENV: AZURE_DATA_EXPLORER_RESOURCE_URI                           │
│                                                    [required]                                                      │
│ *  --adx-ingest-uri                          URI   The ADX cluster ingest path (URI info can be found into ADX     │
│                                                    cluster page)                                                   │
│                                                    ENV: AZURE_DATA_EXPLORER_RESOURCE_INGEST_URI                    │
│                                                    [required]                                                      │
│ *  --database-name                           NAME  The targeted database name                                      │
│                                                    ENV: AZURE_DATA_EXPLORER_DATABASE_NAME                          │
│                                                    [required]                                                      │
│    --send-parameters/--no-send-parameters          whether or not to send parameters (parameters path is mandatory │
│                                                    then)                                                           │
│                                                    ENV: CSM_SEND_DATAWAREHOUSE_PARAMETERS                          │
│                                                    DEFAULT: no-send-parameters                                     │
│    --send-datasets/--no-send-datasets              whether or not to send datasets (parameters path is mandatory   │
│                                                    then)                                                           │
│                                                    ENV: CSM_SEND_DATAWAREHOUSE_DATASETS                            │
│                                                    DEFAULT: no-send-datasets                                       │
│    --wait/--no-wait                                Toggle waiting for the ingestion results                        │
│                                                    ENV: WAIT_FOR_INGESTION                                         │
│                                                    DEFAULT: no-wait                                                │
│    --web-help                                      Open the web documentation                                      │
│    --help                                          Show this message and exit.                                     │