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Download Steps from cloud

Breaking change

This command is no longer functional since 1.3.0
Equivalent commands have been added to csm-data a part of CosmoTech-Acceleration-Library.
Trying to run this command will give you the equivalent command to use with csm-data.

Install csm-data
pip install CosmoTech-Acceleration-Library~=0.7.0
This command will be fully removed in a future version.

Command help

> csm-orc fetch-cloud-steps --help

 Usage: csm-orc fetch-cloud-steps [OPTIONS]                                                                             

 Uses environment variables to download cloud based Template steps Requires a valid Azure connection either with:       

  • The AZ cli command: az login                                                                                        
  • A triplet of env var AZURE_TENANT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_ID, AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET                                          

╭─ OPTIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --organization-id    o-##########         The id of an organization in the cosmotech api                             │
│                                           ENV: CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID                                                   │
│ --workspace-id       w-##########         The id of a solution in the cosmotech api                                  │
│                                           ENV: CSM_WORKSPACE_ID                                                      │
│ --run-template-id    NAME                 The name of the run template in the cosmotech api                          │
│                                           ENV: CSM_RUN_TEMPLATE_ID                                                   │
│ --handler-list       HANDLER,...,HANDLER  A list of handlers to download (comma separated)                           │
│                                           ENV: CSM_CONTAINER_MODE                                                    │
│ --api-url            URL                  The url to a Cosmotech API                                                 │
│                                           ENV: CSM_API_URL                                                           │
│ --api-scope          URI                  The identification scope of a Cosmotech API                                │
│                                           ENV: CSM_API_SCOPE                                                         │
│ --web-help                                Open the web documentation                                                 │
│ --help                                    Show this message and exit.                                                │