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Run Template Step

Depreciation Warning

This command is deprecated since 1.5.2
This command existed for migration purposes from Cosmo Tech API 2.4 to 3.0, since API 4.0 is getting ready this command should not be required anymore.

Equivalent to csm-orc run-step
    "command": "python"
    "arguments": [ "code/run_templates/my_template/my_step/" ]
This command will be fully removed in a future version.

Help command

> csm-orc run-step --help

 Usage: csm-orc run-step [OPTIONS]                                                                                      

 Runs a list of steps of a run template in a CosmoTech project Known limitations:                                       

  • The step MUST contain an executable file                                                                    
  • The engine step requires to set the env var CSM_SIMULATION if you have a run without a python engine                
  • Qt consumers in the simulator breaks the engine step when orchestrating                                             
 Marked for deprecation since 1.5.2, will be removed in a future version                                                

╭─ OPTIONS ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --template    TEXT  refer to a folder contained in code/run_templates                                             │
│                        ENV: CSM_RUN_TEMPLATE_ID                                                                      │
│                        [required]                                                                                    │
│    --steps       TEXT  A list of Steps definer in the TEMPLATE folder that will be executed (comma-separated).       │
│                        Defaults to CSMDOCKER equivalent to parameters_handler,validator,prerun,engine,postrun (the   │
│                        legacy order)                                                                                 │
│                        ENV: CSM_CONTAINER_MODE                                                                       │
│                        DEFAULT: CSMDOCKER                                                                            │
│    --web-help          Open the web documentation                                                                    │
│    --help              Show this message and exit.                                                                   │