During this tutorial we will start from a clean installation of csm-orc and work our way to an
orchestrated solution.
Set up our project
# First we will create a new folder for our project
# Now that we are in our project folder we will set up the orchestrator using a python venv# We create the venv in the folder `.venv`
# We activate the venv
# Now we can install the orchestrator using pip
# We can check that our installation worked by running the orchestrator help
In this part we will create 2 simple python script that will interact by using a common file,
the first script should write the first N members of the Fibonacci sequence on the file,
and the second one will display them.
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importargparseparser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Fibonacci printer")parser.add_argument("n",type=int,help="The max rank of the fibonacci sequence to write")parser.add_argument("filename",type=argparse.FileType('w'),help="The file to write to")deffibonacci_sequence(n:int=0):a,b=0,1for_inrange(n):yieldaa,b=b,a+bif__name__=="__main__":args=parser.parse_args()withargs.filenameasf:forvinfibonacci_sequence(args.n):f.write(f"{v}\n")
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910111213
importargparseparser=argparse.ArgumentParser(description="File printer")parser.add_argument("filename",type=argparse.FileType('r'),help="The file to print")if__name__=="__main__":args=parser.parse_args()withargs.filenameasf:forvinf.readlines():print(v.strip())
{"$schema":"https://json-schema.org/draft/2020-12/schema","$id":"https://cosmotech.com/run_template.schema.json","title":"Run Template","description":"A run template description","type":"object","properties":{"commandTemplates":{"description":"A list of Commands Templates","type":"array","items":{"description":"A Command Template describe a single executable with default properties","type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The Id of the Command Template","pattern":"^\\S*$"},"description":{"type":"string","description":"A description of the command template"},"command":{"type":"string","description":"The root bash command necessary to execute the template"},"arguments":{"type":"array","description":"The list of default arguments passed to the command","items":{"type":"string"}},"useSystemEnvironment":{"type":"boolean","description":"Should the system environment be fully passed to the command ?"},"environment":{"type":"object","description":"The default list of Environment Variables required for the command","patternProperties":{".+":{"$ref":"#/$defs/environmentVariable"}},"minProperties":1}},"additionalProperties":false,"required":["id","command"]}},"steps":{"description":"A list of Steps descriptors","type":"array","items":{"description":"A Step is a single instance of a Command that is scheduled to be run, can use an existing command or define its own","type":"object","properties":{"id":{"type":"string","description":"The Id of the Step","pattern":"^\\S*$"},"description":{"type":"string","description":"A description of the step (override command template description)"},"commandId":{"type":"string","description":"An Id for an existing command"},"command":{"type":"string","description":"The root bash command necessary to execute the command"},"arguments":{"type":"array","description":"The list of arguments passed to the command (replace the default one)","items":{"type":"string"}},"useSystemEnvironment":{"type":"boolean","description":"Should the system environment be fully passed to the command ?"},"environment":{"type":"object","description":"The list of Environment Variables defined for the command (replace the default one)","patternProperties":{".+":{"$ref":"#/$defs/environmentVariable"}},"minProperties":1},"precedents":{"type":"array","description":"A list of steps that have to be run before this one","items":{"type":"string"}}},"additionalProperties":false,"oneOf":[{"required":["id","command"]},{"required":["id","commandId"]}]}}},"required":["steps"],"$defs":{"environmentVariable":{"type":"object","description":"A environment variable descriptor","properties":{"defaultValue":{"type":"string","description":"The default value of the required variable, if not set, the variable has to be set in the system"},"value":{"type":"string","description":"The effective value of the required variable, will override any system value"},"description":{"type":"string","description":"A description of the required Environment Variable for documentation reasons"},"optional":{"type":"boolean","description":"Should the Environment Variable be required for the run of a step ?"}},"additionalProperties":false}}}
In this minimal file we can see one step with the id echo-foo-bar
that runs the command echo with the arguments foo and bar.
This orchestration file is valid following the JSON schema as we have at least 1 element in steps, and the element as at least an id and a command
We can run this orchestration file with the following command :
run simple_step.json
# [YYYY/MM/DD-HH:mm:SS] INFO === Run ===# [YYYY/MM/DD-HH:mm:SS] INFO Starting step echo-foo-bar# foo bar# [YYYY/MM/DD-HH:mm:SS] INFO Done running step echo-foo-bar# [YYYY/MM/DD-HH:mm:SS] INFO === Results ===# [YYYY/MM/DD-HH:mm:SS] INFO echo-foo-bar (Done)
On line 4 we can see the result of the command echo foo bar which is defined in the step.
Now using this basis we will write our commands in an orchestration file using the same options as the previous example
In the example run.json you can see on line 12 the apparition of the key-words precedents,
it is used to order our operations.
Here by setting the step run-fibo as a precedent to the step run-display
we ensure that the first script will run before the second.
And now we created a simple example of orchestration file to run some of our scripts.
In the next tutorial we will look at how to use CommandTemplates to re-use possibly complex commands, and Environment Variables to change the effect of our commands.