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csm-data s3-bucket-load


Use csm-data to connect to an S3 bucket and download its content. Requires a valid S3 configuration, here using environment variables.


csm-data s3-bucket-load --target-folder $CSM_DATASET_ABSOLUTE_PATH --bucket-name $CSM_DATA_BUCKET_NAME

Defined Environment
Variable Name Description
CSM_DATASET_ABSOLUTE_PATH Target folder in which to write the content of the S3 Bucket
CSM_DATA_BUCKET_NAME Name of the bucket in the S3 instance to download
AWS_ENDPOINT_URL URI required to connect to a given S3 instance
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID User access key required to authenticate to the S3 instance
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY User secret required to authenticate to the S3 instance

Will be passed all system Environment Variables as well as the defined Environment

csm-data s3-bucket-load json file
  "id":"csm-data s3-bucket-load",
      "description":"Target folder in which to write the content of the S3 Bucket"
      "description":"Name of the bucket in the S3 instance to download"
      "description":"URI required to connect to a given S3 instance"
      "description":"User access key required to authenticate to the S3 instance"
      "description":"User secret required to authenticate to the S3 instance"
  "description":"Use csm-data to connect to an S3 bucket and download its content. Requires a valid S3 configuration, here using environment variables.",