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csm-data wsf-send-file


Use csm-data to send a file to a workspace inside the API


csm-data api wsf-send-file --file-path $CSM_FILE_PATH --organization-id $CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID --workspace-id $CSM_WORKSPACE_ID --workspace-path $CSM_WORKSPACE_PATH

Defined Environment
Variable Name Description
CSM_FILE_PATH Path to the file to send as a workspace file
CSM_API_URL The URL to a Cosmo Tech API instance
CSM_API_KEY An API key defined during the setup of the API instance granting access to the Run/data/send endpoint
CSM_API_KEY_HEADER The header key required to use the API key previously defined
CSM_ORGANIZATION_ID An organization id for the Cosmo Tech API
CSM_WORKSPACE_ID A workspace id for the Cosmo Tech API
CSM_WORKSPACE_PATH Path inside the workspace to store the file (end with '/' for a folder))

Will be passed all system Environment Variables as well as the defined Environment

csm-data wsf-send-file json file
  "id":"csm-data wsf-send-file",
      "description":"Path to the file to send as a workspace file"
      "description":"The URL to a Cosmo Tech API instance"
      "description":"An API key defined during the setup of the API instance granting access to the Run/data/send endpoint",
      "description":"The header key required to use the API key previously defined",
      "description":"An organization id for the Cosmo Tech API"
      "description":"A workspace id for the Cosmo Tech API"
      "description":"Path inside the workspace to store the file (end with '/' for a folder))"
  "description":"Use csm-data to send a file to a workspace inside the API",