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Run Template Step

Help command

> csm-orc run-step --help

 Usage: csm-orc run-step [OPTIONS]                                                                                    

 Runs a list of steps of a run template in a CosmoTech project Known limitations:                                     

  • The step MUST contain an executable file                                                                  
  • The engine step requires to set the env var CSM_SIMULATION if you have a run without a python engine              
  • Qt consumers in the simulator breaks the engine step when orchestrating                                           

╭─ OPTIONS ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ *  --template    TEXT  refer to a folder contained in code/run_templates                                           │
│                        ENV: CSM_RUN_TEMPLATE_ID                                                                    │
│                        [required]                                                                                  │
│    --steps       TEXT  A list of Steps definer in the TEMPLATE folder that will be executed (comma-separated).     │
│                        Defaults to CSMDOCKER equivalent to parameters_handler,validator,prerun,engine,postrun (the │
│                        legacy order)                                                                               │
│                        ENV: CSM_CONTAINER_MODE                                                                     │
│                        DEFAULT: CSMDOCKER                                                                          │
│    --web-help          Open the web documentation                                                                  │
│    --help              Show this message and exit.                                                                 │